Human Design

Want a mirror to your soul's purpose & who you are designed to be?

Pick the right reading for you!

I have 4 levels of readings, each building on the last.

Level 1 - Intro to HD

Your Foundations

This is the perfect way to learn the basic foundations of your human design. From how you are meant to interact and make decisions in the world to how to know when you are out of alignment and how to make changes to realign so you can move through life with more ease. It will be a mirror to the magic already inside you that is waiting to be unleashed!

What you'll learn:

🤩 Your Human Design Type

🤩 Strategy

🤩 Authority

🤩 Signature

🤩 Not-Self Theme

$150 for Level 1

Level 2 - Your Energy

Learn how your energy is meant to be expressed. From how you present yourself and you move through the world to how you are meant to lead and make an impact based on how your energy naturally wants to be expressed, When you're expressing your energy, naturally everything feels easy breezy and your business is enjoyable!!

You'll learn your:

🚀 Profiles & Lines

🚀 Undefined/Open Centers

🚀 Defined Centers, Definition

$150 for Level 2

Level 3 - Life Themes

This is where it gets fun! Once you know the basics of your design, we dig deeper to understand themes in your design. These include where you have consistent energy, how you make change happen, and knowing when your at your fullest expression.

What you'll learn:

🔥 Gates

🔥 Channels

🔥 Circuitry

🔥 Incarnation Cross

Must get level 1 or 2 reading before booking another level reading.

Level 4 - Mastery

Level 4 is where you go from basic understanding to profound understanding of what makes you uniquely YOU and what influences your everyday life. This is where you master the deeper, subtler layers of Human Design. This includes the environment where you'll meet the least resistance, how you take in the world, and your motivations. We'll also go over what keeps you grounded, healthy, and radiant.

You'll learn your:

🤯 The Variables (the arrows)

🤯 Environments

🤯 Planets & Nodes

Must get level 1 or 2 reading before booking another level reading.

Package of all 4 Readings Coming Soon!


Unsure what's the best option for you?

Book a call and we can discuss!

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